BGCA Native Services offers a variety of publications for download including annual reports, historical pieces, additional resources, best practices, and newsletters.

2023 BGCIC Annual Report

2023 BGCIC Annual Report

In 2023, BGCA Native Services strengthened its commitment to empowering Native youth by expanding support networks and offering culturally relevant programs, expanding our reach across diverse Native communities. The comprehensive 2023 BGCIC Annual Report demonstrates the multi-faceted efforts of BGCA Native Services to amplify our impact, in collaboration with dedicated local Native Club professionals, volunteers, donors, Tribal and corporate partners. Through our committed and collaborative work, we remain steadfast and united in our goal of meeting Native youth in the present and walking alongside them as they discover their identity through their Indigenous heritage.

TLC Native Toolkit

Think, Learn, Create Change (TLC) Native Toolkit

The Think, Learn, Create Change (TLC) Native Toolkit was developed by BGCA Native Services to assist Native youth who desire to advocate on behalf of themselves, their peers and the Indigenous Movement. Through this resource, Native youth are able to explore the issues that they care about; understand the different stakeholders involved; develop messages and tools to help accomplish advocacy goals; and feel ready to take on challenges through advocacy action. This resource elevates and empowers the voice of Native youth, as there is nothing more powerful than equipping youth with the skills to advocate for what they need.

Water Safety Poster - Native Adaptation

Water Safety Poster – Native Adaptation

As part of BGCA Native Services’ commitment to the safety of Native youth, through our partnership with Redwoods, we have created this Water Safety Poster – Native Adaptation for each Native Club to display prominently at their location. This poster was designed to educate staff and volunteers on swimming safety, including best practices and other resources that help ensure that swim time is as safe as possible for Club youth. It is important that this resource has a strong presence at your Native Club – be sure to display the poster in a high-traffic area and inform all staff and volunteers on poster location(s) with a reminder to adhere to the procedures noted. Clubs can download and print the PDF (recommended size 24” by 36”).

Honoring the 30 Year History of Native Clubs

Honoring the 30 Year History of Native Clubs

This commemorative booklet is a celebration of 30 years of Boys & Girls Clubs on Native Lands. It reflects upon three decades of history and achievement and demonstrates how Native Clubs have remained steadfast to positively impact the lives of Native youth through culturally relevant programming. This historical document looks back on BGCA Native Services’ years of growth, tracking a timeline from our humble beginnings to our widespread present successes. It also casts a well-deserved spotlight on the many committed individuals who have been instrumental to the success of BGCA Native Services over the last 30 years.

Youth Development Professionals Toolkit for Native Clubs

Youth Development Professionals Toolkit for Native Clubs

The Youth Development Professionals Toolkit for Native Clubs was developed by BGCA Native Services in order to assist our Native youth development professionals (YDPs) in their day-to-day work at Native Clubs. We understand the central role that our staff have in achieving BGCA’s collective mission and created this Toolkit to help them further their professional development. This resource provides guidance on the many aspects of youth development, including best practices in areas such as youth and family engagement, child safety, behavioral support and self-care. The Toolkit also provides additional youth development resources including available Native-adapted BGCA programming options, staff training opportunities and supplemental resources that support capacity building.

Native Week of Advocacy

Native Week of Advocacy Resources on

These resources provide actionable tactics Native Clubs can easily implement to participate in Native Week of Advocacy during Indigenous Peoples Week in October. The Toolkit contains information to help prepare Native Clubs on the advocacy issues to focus on in October, post advocacy content on social media, highlight the advocacy activities participated in, create story-focused video content for advocacy, engage with the press and media contacts, and engage with Tribal, federal, state and local lawmakers on advocacy issues.

2022 BGCIC Annual Report

BGCA Native Services proudly recognized 30 years of advocacy for Native Clubs in 2022. During this milestone year, we celebrated our growth and overall impact made possible by our dedicated service to Native youth through culturally relevant programming over the past three decades. Through the tireless work and ingenuity of Native Club staff and volunteers, the commitment of our partners and the support of our donors, we are confident that our Native family will continue to grow and be successful. As we reflect on the past and anticipate the future, BGCA Native Services looks forward to what our collective efforts will achieve in the next 30 years and beyond!

Child Safety Poster

Child Safety Poster – Native Adaptation

As part of ongoing efforts to strengthen child safety at our Clubs, BGCA Native Services has created this Child Safety Poster – Native Adaptation that each Native Club will be required to prominently display at their location in compliance with BGCA’s membership requirements. This poster was designed to share child safety hotline and text-line services with members, staff, volunteers and families. Clubs can download and print the PDF (recommended size 24” by 36”). As applicable to your location, please create language translations if needed and add local/state Child Protection Services number(s). Once finalized, it is important that this culturally-relevant resource has a strong presence at your Club – be sure to display the poster in a high-traffic area (front-desk/check-in areas are recommended) and educate all staff and volunteers on poster location(s) with a reminder to adhere to child safety best practices and refer to resources.

The 9 You Need for Native Clubs

The 9 You Need for Native Clubs

The 9 You Need for Native Clubs is a resource development tool created by BGCA Native Services with the objective of helping our Native Clubs grow successful and multifaceted fundraising programs. This resource highlights 9 key areas of focus including the variety of revenue streams available through individual giving, special events, government funding, Tribal support, grants and corporate donations. It also includes important reminders about advocacy, donor relationships, giving campaigns and online engagement. The 9 You Need for Native Clubs also includes an assessment for Native Clubs to determine if their organizations are currently utilizing the strategies discussed. This tool provides helpful tips and guidance for Native Clubs to bolster their resource development efforts.

Marketing Toolkit for Native Clubs

Marketing Toolkit for Native Clubs

The Marketing Toolkit for Native Clubs was developed by BGCA Native Services to help Native Clubs improve their overall marketing efforts through the expansion of existing marketing strategies or by the development of innovative new strategies. BGCA Native Services understands the crucial role that marketing plays in promoting the cultural services and programs offered at Native Clubs, strengthening connections with local communities and telling each Club’s unique story. This resource contains best practices in areas such as marketing plan creation, budget development, branding, public relations, websites, social media and results measurement. The Marketing Toolkit for Native Clubs provides marketing resources for youth development professionals to further build their capacity in promoting the impactful work they are doing to support Native youth.

Trauma-Informed Pathways to Healing Toolkit

Trauma-Informed Pathways to Healing Toolkit

BGCA Native Services has developed a comprehensive Trauma-Informed Pathways to Healing Toolkit to provide Native Clubs with guidance as they work towards becoming trauma-informed organizations. This Toolkit offers tips to improve Native Clubs’ responsiveness to the widespread impact of trauma in the areas of safety, trustworthiness and transparency, peer support, collaboration and mutuality, empowerment through voice and choice and cultural, historical and gender issues. Being trauma-informed empowers Native Clubs to prioritize the wellbeing of Native youth, their families, and communities on their paths to healing. This Toolkit provides resources and best practices to eliminate stressful environments, nurture resiliency, and develop an ongoing improvement process guided by trauma-informed values to help youth development professionals offer the best care possible to Native youth.

2021 BGCIC Annual Report

2021 BGCIC Annual Report

Although Native Clubs were still dealing with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 saw a significant return to normalcy. While Clubs continued to offer hybrid and virtual programming, in-person services resumed on a large scale – providing much needed support to Native youth and their communities. Meals, snacks, and wellness checks continued to be offered to the youth and families that need them most. With the support of our dedicated staff, local and national partners, BGCA Native Services offered many opportunities for Native Clubs to thrive in 2021! As the nation’s largest youth serving organization, we remain confident that we can continue to grow the reach and impact of our organization as long as we stay focused on our one mission uniting us together as one: to enable Club youth to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens.

2020 BGCIC Annual Report

2020 BGCIC Annual Report

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Native Clubs have been able to continue to ‘Be There’ for kids as a source of light, hope and opportunity. Although our world experienced a global health crisis that caused widespread change to business-as-usual, Native Boys & Girls Clubs responded in a powerful way. Native Clubs have continued to offer innovative in-person, hybrid and virtual programming, conducted family wellness checks, and provided thousands of meals and snacks to youth and families. While 2020 has looked a little different than we imagined, Native Clubs have shown perseverance and resiliency. Thanks to the tireless support of our wonderful partners and staff, BGCA Native Services continues to ‘Be There’ for youth who need us most.

Native Heritage Planning Calendar

Native Heritage Planning Calendar

BGCA Native Services is happy to provide Clubs with the Native Heritage Planning Calendar. This calendar serves as a starting point for infusing meaningful cultural programming and activities into daily Club life throughout the month of November as we celebrate National Native American Heritage Month. The calendar also serves to coordinate simultaneous Native cultural activities from Clubs across the country and provides opportunities to share the impact they are making on social media. Two versions are available for download, one that includes activities that can be done in-Club and one that includes activities that can all be done virtually.

2019 BGCIC Annual Report

2019 BGCIC Annual Report

In 2019, BGCA Native Services dug into the pillars of our success – our people, passion, and purpose. These values are reflected in everything that we accomplished during the year, from our flourishing partnerships with donors and tribal nations to the 2019 Native Summit to our organizational growth, Club staff and leadership were united under the common goal of supporting Native youth. The 2019 Annual Report demonstrates how our values were manifested as we strove to provide the best for indigenous young people today and build Great Futures for tomorrow.

Club Advocacy Planning Guide

Club Advocacy Planning Guide Native Adaptation

This guide provides a step-by-step plan toward implementing an effective advocacy plan for your Club. Successful advocacy strategies consist of clearly defined goals, strategic tactics and measurable outcomes with the opportunity for growth. Whether it’s pursuing new government funding streams, influencing state or local legislation or simply building relationships with your state or Tribal elected officials and Tribal community representatives, this planner can help break down your goals into manageable steps that create a year-long advocacy action plan. A great Advocacy plan should start where you are, please reach out to your DoD who can walk you through the steps of creating your advocacy plan.

2018 Annual Report

2018 BGCIC Annual Report

In 2018, BGCA Native Services carried onward to the drumbeat of success in advocacy, youth development, and growth. During the year, we started several exciting new partnerships, greater expansion, and continued to provide exceptional service to the youth we serve. The 2018 BGCIC Annual Report emphasizes stories of the amazing work being done for Native youth across our diverse indigenous communities. These specially chosen stories highlight important values of community building and stewardship, compassion, and academic opportunity that are essential to building Great Futures. The innumerable success stories place Native Boys & Girls at the forefront of the highest quality youth development in the country, promising many more triumphs to come as we continue marching forward as the preeminent Native youth serving organization.

Group Matching

Group Matching Partnering with Law Enforcement Native Adaptation Toolkit

The Group Matching Partnering with Law Enforcement Native Adaptation Toolkit guides Native Clubs in planning and hosting group mentor matching events in partnership with local law enforcement. Group matching events are group activities designed to bring mentors and mentees together for the purpose of relationship building and gaining insight for potential one-on-one and group mentoring matches. These events can be excellent launching points for informing quality relationships where Native youth themselves select the law enforcement officers they would like to work with as a mentor. This Toolkit is designed as a supplement to other BGCA materials that guide Native Clubs in developing and managing successful mentoring programs. Through this Native Adaptation, BGCA encourages Native Clubs to leverage existing law enforcement partnerships and ongoing dialogue sessions to implement new strategies designed to facilitate mentoring matches between youth and local law enforcement officers.

Native Youth Mentoring Program Family Handbook

Native Youth Mentoring Program Family Handbook

BGCA recognizes that young people thrive when they have a circle of trusted adults who support their growth and goals. With the encouragement of a caring mentor, Native youth and teens receive even more support for becoming confident and successful young people. When implementing mentoring programs for Native youth, it is important to involve caregivers, provide ample opportunities for training, and engage mentors, mentees, and relevant community members in meaningful, culturally relevant experiences. The Native Youth Mentoring Program Family Handbook will help you learn more about mentoring, see how it benefits Native youth, and understand the important role you play in making your child or teen’s mentoring experience a success.

Native Community Day Toolkit

Native Community Day Toolkit

Each November, Boys & Girls Clubs across the country celebrate National Native American Heritage Month to honor and remember indigenous traditions and customs. This year, BGCA Native Services is proud to present the Native Community Day Toolkit. This resource is a guide to the planning and preparation that go into hosting a successful community event that highlights Native culture. The Native Community Day Toolkit elaborates on the most critical elements of fostering strong connections with the community and demonstrating the important role that Native Clubs play in fostering and supporting Native heritage.

Resource Development Toolkit

Resource Development Toolkit

There are many compelling reasons why you should seriously consider developing, or even bolstering, your Resource Development program. Private support can be the added margin of excellence your Club needs to be elevated to the next level of success, even if you have the funding needed for daily operations. Fundraising is more than raising money to accomplish an agenda or pay staff.

BGCA Native Services would like to recognize and thank our NAC Resource Development Committee Members for their time and commitment in creating culturally relevant tools for all Native organizations across the Nation to assure the greatest benefit to Native Clubs.

Native Mentoring Media ToolkitPoster

Native Mentoring Media Toolkit

In collaboration with BGCA’s Federal Grants Department, BGCA Native Services is pleased to present the Native Mentoring Media Toolkit. Mentoring has been part of our Native communities’ systems for generations and emphasizes an approach that involves listening for understanding, and focusing on the journey, inner wisdom, and reflection. Becoming a mentor is one of the most important things you can do to improve the lives of young people in your community. In order to provide culturally relevant support for mentor recruitment efforts at your Clubs, the Native Mentoring Media Toolkit provides helpful resources including a mentoring recruitment poster, sample recruitment letter templates, a mentoring fact sheet, frequently asked questions, and a PowerPoint Presentation on the importance of mentoring Native youth.

2017 BGCIC Annual Report

2017 BGCIC Annual Report

2017 marks the celebration of 25 years since BGCA and Native communities have become partners. The 2017 Annual Report showcases 25 years of dedicated programming to ensure Native youth remain strong and resilient for generations to come. While there are an infinite number of powerful moments from Native Clubs in 2017, a selection of outstanding stories have been assembled that represent the true spirit of our collective Native youth development. The many successes from Boys & Girls Clubs on Native Lands throughout 2017 demonstrates the vast outcomes and exceptional efforts put into serving Native youth and indicates that there are more great things in the future for Native Clubs in the coming years!

Tribal Relations Toolbox

The Tribal Relations Toolbox provides best practices working with Tribal Governments, Sample Tribal Resolutions, and many more resources that will prepare you for a Council Meeting and steps how to create an Advisory Board.

BGCA Native Services would like to recognize and thank our NAC Tribal Relations Committee Members for their time and commitment in creating culturally relevant tools for all Native organizations across the Nation to assure the greatest benefit to Native Clubs.

2016 BGCIC Annual Report

2016 BGCIC Annual Report

2016 was an impactful year for Native Boys & Girls Clubs. The 2016 Annual Report exemplifies the growth and ongoing efforts put forth towards the expansion of services and opportunity for Native youth. Read the report to learn how our partners’ contributions are making a difference in the lives of the youth we serve. The many success stories from 2016 offer a snapshot of the amazing outcomes and outstanding efforts being put into serving Native youth, and demonstrates there are great things in store for the future of Native Clubs!

History of Native Clubs

History of Native Clubs Timeline

The History of Native Clubs Timeline outlines key events and initiatives that led to the growth of Boys & Girls Clubs in Indian Country from 1992-2017. You will also find a series of awards that were granted during this time period, along with a map of Native Club sites. BGCA opened it’s first Native Club in 1992 and has grown to be the nation’s largest Native youth-serving agency, representing American Indian, Alaska Native, American Samoan and Hawaiian Communities.

Engaging Teens

Year of the Teen Event Ideas

BGCA Native Services has created a new resource, adapted specifically for Native Clubs, to share event ideas that attract teens and their families to the Club. This great list of ideas can help your team create wonderful experiences for your youth.

By hosting events centered around social activities, sporting events in the community, college and career readiness, service, and other topics that really matter to teens, you can establish the Club as a perfect place to learn, grow, and have fun. This resource also shares ideas for how to market your events for maximum impact.

BGCA Best Practices: Mentoring Native Youth

BGCA Best Practices: Mentoring Native Youth

BGCA has created this best practice guide to provide insight and recommendations for Club staff who are implementing mentoring programs addressing targeted needs. This guide summarizes the current context and latest research in the mentoring field for Native youth.

The creation of this guide was supported by Federal Award Number 2015–JU-FX-0017, administered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Program (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), through BGCA. Points of view or opinions contained within this document do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Native Mentoring Newsletter

Native Mentoring Newsletter

The Native Mentoring Newsletter was a quarterly publication that showcased best practices and available resources for Native Boys & Girls Clubs who are implementing mentoring programs made possible through Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention funding. Best practices and relevant resources were carefully selected for cultural relevance to better benefit mentors, mentees, and the communities being served.

This project was supported by Federal Award Number 2014–JU-FX-0018, administered by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office of Justice Program (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), through BGCA. Points of view or opinions contained within this document do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.