BGCA Native Services

Help Native Clubs elevate the collective impact

Elevating the Efforts of Native Clubs

they have on Native youth and Tribal communities.


Our Native Clubs offer safe, nurturing and life enhancing programs, character development experiences and, most of all, hope and opportunities for our Native youth. As the preeminent Native youth serving organization, Boys & Girls Clubs on Native Lands have risen to meet the rapidly changing needs of our communities – but need your continued support as we continue to create safe places where our Native youth build resilience and thrive.

As Indigenous people and stewards of the next generation of Native youth, we know the depth of our own resiliency as well as our interconnectedness during trying times. We hope that you consider investing in Native youth not only for our future but for our right now. Your financial support helps more Native Clubs tap into that resiliency as we revitalize and sustain our crucial programming in ways that prioritize the safety and sovereignty needs of our communities but also with a plan to sustain and maintain the tremendous impact on the lives of our Native youth. With your help, we can continue to offer services now and, in the future, to keep Native youth learning, growing and building the Great Futures they deserve.

BGCA is the nation’s largest youth service provider for Native youth with:
Over 250

Native Clubs

Over 120,000

Native youth served

Nearly 150

Tribal communities represented

2026 Native Summit
BGCA Native Services

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